

Posted by Elaine, Category: Life, Nature,

We recently spent some time in Hawaii. There are so many things I learned in our short time there, the spirts of the land are so available, the water so blue and warm. I was very embraced by a feeling that I realized is connected to the essence of 'Aloha,' a word of good intentions and feelings - love, affection, kindness, and goodness...what a word!!!!!

Many years ago we studied Dr. Emoto's work where water was exposed to music and words both harmonious and disharmonious. In his book "Message from Water" we were given wonderful visuals that showed how the water structure was affected in either harmonious or disharmonious shapes and colors in response to the human energies it was exposed to.

We often say to one another, "Namaste," meaning, "the Divine light in me acknowledges the Divine light in you."

So as 2015 comes to an end, may the words you speak and the words you hear be words that fill your heart and souls with joy and inspire those around you.